Thursday, March 26, 2009 is a pheasant

I was on my way out to Jody's and I saw three moose, a herd of deer, a swan, a pheasant, some geese and a few sand hill cranes. With the sun going down and the snow melting away it was just amazing way to finish the day and once again recognize why I love Idaho so much. My camera sucks otherwise there would be pictures of them all and the dates wouldn't be wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Moley, that's a ton of wildlife! The last time I saw a deer was a year and a half ago in Washington (on our way to Mt. Rainer). It had been so long since I had seen one I panicked with excitement as I struggled to pull out my camera. I attempted my picture at 50 mph, so sad to say the deer I know I saw, according to the picture was a blurry brown dot. It was cool anyway.
